WARNING: Mature Content.



Boy: Nice body bro how's ya day going
Zen: Thanks. You look good too. Been going good. You?
B: It's alright lol bored haha
Z: Lol
B: What u up to bro?
Z: Getting ready for a long day.
B: Dam u going to work?
Z: Errands. Work Out. Work.
B: Nice I just started at [gym]
Z: Cool. Whats the goal?
B: Drop weight n tone up
Z: Get more definite (time? weight?) Then keep a food journal. You'll be ok.
B: Thanks bro any advice is good advice cuz small kine lost wen come to dis stuff but yea thanks
Z: Last thing is mental side. Good luck. You deserve great things. Also, Technique. Then speed. Then power.
B: I have to develop a routine right now just focusing on cardio n small like weights maybe one day if can you could help me out
Z: Lol. You'll be fine on your own. Maybe we'll meet one day. Who the fuck knows? Focus on yourself is important.
B: Lol ugh ok thanks lol

Boy reminded me of myself before I moved here. I'm just glad I'm lighter and more mobile. Yeah, he's on the fat side.

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